A Tribute To Heroes
Logan’s Roadhouse partnered with The Norman Collins Initiative at The Aleethia Foundation to award a custom motorcycle built on HISTORY Channel’s Counting Cars to a US Military Veteran as a way to say ‘Thank You’ for their service, Roadhouse style.

Logan’s Roadhouse
Sailor Jerry Custom Motorcycle Giveaway
Grand Prize Winner: Michael
Michael served in the US Army. In 2002 he was injured on a parachute jump and has had 14 surgeries to repair the damage. He volunteers with recovery organizations and helps mentor other wounded vets who, like Michael, suffer from PTSD. He has had 3 recent surgeries but continues to actively volunteer at his church. Michael is an aquatics Director for the Boy Scouts of America, where he trains lifeguards for the BSA and has rescued scouts and scout leaders from drowning.
“He would rather serve his fellow man and country than himself,” Michael’s wife, Emily, wrote in his Veterans Day Bike Giveaway nomination. “He has sacrificed everything for our family and for this country. His motto ‘my mission, my men, myself’ still serves him today as it did while he was on active duty.”
When Michael and Emily’s twins were born at 30 weeks, they spent nearly 2 months in the NICU. Michael sold his motorcycle and truck, and used his whole life savings to pay the bills. When the twins came home, Michael worked as an EMT and was enrolled in college taking 25 credit hours weekly.
Emily added: “He continues to support our family without any complaints and, even with his PTSD, continues to be positive and upbeat no matter what comes his way. To get him this bike will mean the world to him, as he has been trying to save enough money to buy a motorcycle. Thank you, he loves Counting Cars!”