Prices shown are take-out prices and include packaging & service charges, and differ from the prices applicable when dining in the restaurant.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Take & Bake Made-From-Scratch Yeast Rolls


Made-from-scratch and ready to bake at home for the whole crew to enjoy!

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Heat & Serve Cinnamon Apples


Serves 10-12.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Heat & Serve Broccoli


Serves 10-12.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Heat & Serve Mac & Cheese


Serves 10-12.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Heat & Serve Roadhouse Rice


Serves 10-12.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Party Pack Cinnamon Rolls (Take & Bake)


Six made-from-scratch cinnamon rolls with homemade icing.