Prices shown are take-out prices and include packaging & service charges, and differ from the prices applicable when dining in the restaurant.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids Cheese RoadieĀ®


Mini steakhouse burger topped with American cheese on our signature yeast roll.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids RoadieĀ®


Mini steakhouse burger on our signature yeast roll.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids Ribs


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids Steak Tips*


*Will be cooked well done.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids Grilled Chicken


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids Macaroni & Cheese


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Kids Spaghetti


Tossed with marinara.