Prices shown are take-out prices and include packaging & service charges, and differ from the prices applicable when dining in the restaurant.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Red BullĀ®


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Sugar Free Red BullĀ®


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Watermelon Red Bull


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Gallon of Sweet Tea


Gallon of our freshly-brewed sweet tea.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Gallon of Unsweet Tea


Gallon of our freshly brewed tea, unsweetened.

Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Gallon Lemonade


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Gallon Strawberry Lemonade


Scorpion Gourmet Burger



Scorpion Gourmet Burger

Arnold Palmer


Scorpion Gourmet Burger

8# Bag of Ice
